Hashir (hashireeeee)

Social Media Influencer
image of Hashir
Age : 24
Birthday : Jul 14th 2000
Starsign : Cancer
Next birthday in 5 months
Born : Varkala, Trivandrum, Kerala
Current Place : Varkala, Trivandrum, Kerala
Last updated : Aug 20th 2024

Social media profiles


Other Professions

About Hashir

Hashir is a social media influencer known for creating short video content on YouTube and Instagram, often featuring his friends Ajin Joy, Alan, and Vinayak.

He launched his YouTube channel on May, 2017, and has since attracted around 500K subscribers. As of now, he has uploaded over 260 videos, with his earliest video dating back to February, 2023

He started Instagram before YouTube and moved to Instagram later. On Instagram, he boasts a following of over 1.1 million.

In 2024, he, along with his fellow YouTubers, made his acting debut in the film Vaazha.


Hashir, holding a BA in History, is currently co-managing a business with his friends and fellow content creators, Vinayak and Alan.

He has aspirations to start his own business in the future.

Family life

Hashir has two brothers and was raised by his grandmother while his parents were away for work. He has featured his grandmother in several of his videos.

Fun fact

Hashir dreams of one day directing a movie or short film.

Hashir and Ajin first connected through the Clubhouse app, a popular audio platform that gained prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Over 1 Million (10 Lakh) Instagram followers
Born in July
Born in 2000
Born on Friday
♋ Cancer
Social Media Influencers