K. R. Narayanan

Politician (Indian National Congress)
image of K. R. Narayanan
Birthday : Oct 27th 1920
Date of demise: Nov 9th 2005
He was 85 at the time of his death
Starsign : Scorpio
Next death anniversay in 9 months
Born : Kottayam, Kerala
Last updated : Dec 31st 2021

Other Professions

About K. R. Narayanan

Kocheril Raman Narayanan (K. R. Narayanan) was an Indian statesman, diplomat and politician who served as the tenth president of India (1997–2002) and ninth vice president of India (1992–1997).

In 1949, on Nehru's request, he joined the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) as worked as a diplomat.

Narayanan entered politics at the request of Indira Gandhi and won three successive general elections to the Lok Sabha in 1984, 1989 and 1991.


Narayanan obtained his B. A. (Honors) and M.A. in English literature from the University of Travancore (1940–43). In 1944, Narayanan was awarded a Tata Scholarship by J. R. D. Tata to attend the London School of Economics.

Family life

K. R. Narayanan met his wife Ma Tint Tint while working in Burma (Myanmar). Ma Tint Tint adopted the Indian name Usha and became an Indian citizen. They have two daughters, Chitra Narayanan (Indian ambassador ) and Amrita Narayanan.

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Born in October
Born in 1920
Born on Wednesday
♏ Scorpio