Oommen Chandy

Politician (Indian National Congress)
image of Oommen Chandy
Birthday : Oct 31st 1943
Date of demise: Jul 18th 2023
He was 79 at the time of his death
Starsign : Scorpio
Next death anniversay in 6 months
Born : Puthuppally, Kottayam, Kerala
Last updated : Jul 18th 2023

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About Oommen Chandy

Mr Oommen Chandy is a member of the Indian National Congress Chandy. He started his political career through the Kerala Students Union (KSU). He was elected as the president of the State Youth Congress in 1970.

He has represented the Puthuppally constituency for 5 decades.

He served as the Chief Minister of Kerala for two terms, from 2004 to 2006 and again from 2011 to 2016. Chandy has been a minister in the Government of Kerala on four occasions

Oommen Chandy, who had been battling a prolonged illness, tragically passed away in Bengaluru on July 18, 2023.

Family life

Oommen Chandy was born in Kumarakom in the Kottayam district of Kerala to K.O. Chandy ( Father) and Baby Chandy (Mother). He is married to Mariamma Oommen. The couple has a daughter Achu Maria, and a son Chandy Oommen.

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Chief Ministers of Kerala
Indian National Congress
Born in October
Born in 1943
Born on Sunday
♏ Scorpio