K. Karunakaran (Kannoth Karunakaran)

Politician (Indian National Congress (INC))
image of K. Karunakaran
Birthday : Jul 5th 1918
Date of demise: Dec 23rd 2010
He was 92 at the time of his death
Starsign : Cancer
Next death anniversay in a year
Born : Kannur, Kerala
Last updated : Jan 11th 2023

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About K. Karunakaran

K. Karunakaran, a member of the Indian National Congress. He served as the Chief Minister of Kerala on four occasions between the late 1970s and mid 1990s.

He is known for founding the United Democratic Front (UDF), a political alliance led by the Indian National Congress in Kerala.

Karunakaran played a significant role in the development of various sectors in Kerala by launching several important projects such as the Kochi airport, the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, the rainbow bridge at Kochi marine drive and the Nehru international stadium at Kochi.

Karunakaran passed away on December 23rd, 2010 at the age of 92, while being hospitalized at Ananthapuri Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram. He was suffering from respiratory issues, fever and other age-related illnesses and had been under hospital care since October 21st, 2010. He was cremated with full state honours at his residence in Punkunnam Thrissur.

Family life

Karunakaran was born to Thekkedathu Ravunni Marar and Kannoth Kalyani Amma. He married his maternal uncle's daughter Kalyanikkutty Amma in 1954 . He has 2 children K. Muraleedharan and Padmaja Venugopal both politicians.


K. Karunakaran had a controversial tenure due to his involvement in cases like the Rajan case, the Palmolein Oil Import Scam, and the ISRO Espionage Scandal. He was forced to resign his position due to these controversies.

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Indian National Congress
Chief Ministers of Kerala
Born in July
Born in 1918
Born on Friday
♋ Cancer