Biju Rithvik (KL BRO Biju Rithvik)

Social Media Influencer (Youtuber)
image of Biju Rithvik
Age : 41
Birthday : Mar 15th 1983
Starsign : Pisces
Next birthday in 10 months
Born : Kannur, Kerala
Current Place : Kannur, Kerala
Last updated : Apr 1st 2024

Social media profiles

Youtube (Main)

About Biju Rithvik

Biju Rithvik is a youtuber from Kannur.

His YouTube channel KL BRO Biju Rithvik (Started his channel in Jul, 2020 ) has over 43M (4.3 Crore) subscribers.

The channel mostly features vlogs, as well as videos shorts, skits of daily life incidents. Biju, his mother, wife, his son and their family & friends appear on the channel regularly. Currently the channel has over 2.3K videos.

Before starting his YouTube career he used to be a bus driver.

Family life

His family comprises of Mother Karthiyayani, wife Kavitha and son Rithvi. His father passed away.

Fun fact

In the past, his phone broke and he couldn't afford a new one, so he stopped making videos. Rasheed, his friend, learned about this and assisted him in purchasing a new phone. As a tribute to his friend, he named his channel "KL bro," after Rasheed's vehicle.

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Over 1 Million (10 Lakh) YouTube Subscribers
Over 2 Million (20 Lakh) YouTube Subscribers
Over 3 Million (30 Lakh) YouTube Subscribers
Over 10 Million (1 Crore) YouTube Subscribers
Over 20 Million (2 Crore) YouTube Subscribers
Born in March
Born in 1983
Born on Tuesday
♓ Pisces
Social Media Influencers